Quality On-Campus Music Education
Class Learning: 2 or More Classes a Week
Smaller Band / Orchestra Sizes for Younger Children
Private or Sectional Classes to Enhance Individual Learning
Standardized Curriculum and Learning Goals
Community Performances
Home Practice Accountability Support
Opportunities for Recognition
Children Advance and Continue in Music Programs

Contact Us for For Information On Classes for Your School
707. 451. 7200 | Kphillips@youngartistsconservatory.org
Music Matters at School
A Division of Young Artists Conservatory of Music
Music Matters offers band, strings, guitar, choir classes in schools. We offer music education classes for schools where none exist and music enrichment classes for schools that wish to supplement curriculum.
We work with donors, grantors, parents, and school administration to fund programs.
Music Matters Programs help children recognize and pursue their interest and aptitude in music. By ensuring that quality instructional time is provided, Music Matters keeps young people engaged, showing up to school, and continuing music classes into high school and college.

Funding Partners for Music Matters Vallejo
Thanks to the generous contributions from these fine foundations and organizations, YACM provides music education throughout the Vallejo School District for over 1300 young people attending at-risk schools.