Mozart and Mahler Step Aside for Monster Mash... "well, just for 2 hours"
"Our very classically trained young people have a blast letting loose and performing the Annual Treats and Tunes Concert at the Vacaville...

Take Lessons from Tabitha - Dr. Lewis empowers "young artists".
Young Artists Conservatory of Music is proud to announce our newest faculty member, Tabitha Lewis. This month Ms. Lewis is defending her...

Suzuki Violin Class for New Learners - Begins January 2020
"We are not committed to creating humans who play splendid violin. We are committed to creating splendid humans who play violin.” Dr....

Young Artists Conservatory of Music (YACM) Celebrates 15 Years with a Grand Re-Opening and Ribbon Cu
Press Release Young Artists Conservatory of Music Wednesday, September 18th at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm 500 Davis Street, Vacaville Gate Opens...

Music Education Fair | Open House: SEP 14, 3pm. Forums, Demonstrations, Tour, Discounts, Enroll
RSVP HERE Bring the Kids and Learn More About How to Develop Your Child's Musicianship. What to Expect Tour the Facility Attend Short...

How Music Lessons Make Musicians
What is a Conservatory of Music and How Are We Different? “A More than Lessons” Program Conservatory music instructors know that music...

YACM’s Annual Thriller Flash Mob
Calling all Zombies! Perform Halloween at Vacaville Town Square Halloween Stroll | OCT 31, Time: Ssshh admissions@youngartistsconservator...

Meet New Vocal Teaching Specialist Berkeley Rousseau
Berkeley Rousseau attended California State University, Fullerton where he received his Bachelor of Music in History and Theory. There he...

Meet New Cello Teaching Artist Pei-Jen Tseng
Pei-Jen Tseng began playing piano at the age of four, which then led to playing cello at the age of ten. After completing her Bachelor of...

Meet Cello Teaching Artist, Kimberly Feeney
Kimberly Cole Feeney holds a Bachelor of Music in performance from California State University, Sacramento, and a Master of Arts in Music...