Volunteers Renovate Studio for Percussion Students
More Room for Social Distanced In-Person Music Classes

Four timpani, a marimba, kongas and practice pads all have a home in one lesson studio thanks to the team work of 5 volunteers. Young Artists Conservatory of Music has been located in Solano County at 500 Davis St. Vacaville since 2007. In 1995 the renovated Victorian era building, situated at the entrance to Vacaville’s historic downtown, was once well-trafficked by those who remember it as Hoenig Photography. It isn’t uncommon for a parent to enroll their child in a music education program and reminisce about having their senior pictures taken 15 years ago.
YACM’s 500 Davis St. facility had been home to 10 studios / rehearsal rooms all named after composers or artists. “The two smallest studios, named “Rodgers” and “Hammerstein”, were really no bigger than practice rooms and not conducive to facilitating a quality lesson experience”, says board president, Kevin Phillips. “On the recommendation or our founder and Executive Director, Wanda Cook, The board approved the purchase of supplies to break down an adjoining wall to merge two rooms into one.”
Just before the Shut-down of Covid-19, a team of volunteer board members and YACM dads demolished the wall and closed in the unneeded door and spaces left behind. Like everything else in March 2020, the project went on hold as the Coronavirus closed the conservatory. We remained hopeful that we would reopen and be able to provide a more excellent learning experience for percussion students.
Today, just 5 days from the re-opening of YACM the new studio is complete and ready for its returning and new percussion students. Board Member, Percussion Teaching Artists and previous USAF musician, Matthew Thomas headed up the group of volunteers which included his son Ian Thomas, Board President Kevin Phillips, YACM dads Ken Loban, and Michael Gonzales. “I was surprised to get all 4 timpani plus the marimba in the new studio, said Thomas. “Now we have more space in the main hall for kids to social distance during classes and rehearsals.”
YACM is working hard to be a covid-safe place for children to grow in their musicianship and develop the positive effects of disciplined classical training. Young Artists Conservatory of Music now has 9 spacious rooms, each with UV-c air purifiers. On the second level, our open air covered deck patio will be used for lessons too. Classes can be held in Mendelssohn Hall and outdoors in the shade garden. Contact us for enrollment information at (707) 451-7200 on online at www.yacmusic.org