YACM Supports Generalized Public Music Education
Empowering Success because Music Matters...Publically funded schools exist to provide the public with generalized education. As in other academic courses, it is a community imperative that generalized music education be provided to all children.
Through public education, many of those who discover their aptitude and commitment are empowered to enjoy the pursuit of more specialized and rigorous musical studies. Private music teachers and conservatories like Young Artists Conservatory exist to provide those, who have discovered their aptitude and commitment for music, with specialized and potential achieving training. Studying music is known to powerfully augment self esteem, increase brain capacities, mobilize social success, and build cultural and community sensitivities. Music Matters, a division of Young Artists Conservatory, has been a successful bridge between the non-existence of generalized music education and conservatory specialized training.
Music Matters (c) is a division of Young Artists Conservatory of Music. Background and Guiding Principle Music Education has been proven to provide children with substantial life enhancing outcomes and should be an integral part of every child’s education. Children who participate in arts education: - perform on average 3x higher academically than non arts peers - are more likely to attend college - are more like to pursue challenging and effective life positions - enjoy greater capacities for communication and social development - express diverse cultural sensitivities and are more likely to find creative ways to empower their communities Exposure to music education alters the physical structure of the brain making it larger and providing greater capacity for problem solving. Studying music supports superior auditory processing which is linked to language applications and effective social interaction. Music education has a profound impact on healthy social development, and encourages verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Participating in musical development produces long-lasting changes in the mature brain that are proven to lead to a noted decrease in senior dementia.
Wanda L. Cook
National Endowment for the Arts, Research Report #55, James S. Catterall and Susan A Dumais A Paper Commissioned by the Musical Connections Program of Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute By Lea Wolf, MSW, Dr. Thomas Wolf WolfBrown; August 2011© Copyright: Carnegie Hall and WolfBrown