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Your testimonials encourage us: Record your testimonial

As YACM enters its 10th season, I am mindful of its legacy and future. YACM was founded on the hope to provide children with the opportunity to pursue their potential.

The goal was not to register as many students as possible, but to nurture as many students as possible into the joy and self-esteem of musical proficiency.

Certain key relationships are necessary in order to build this “potential-achieving” environment. A student’s ability to thrive musically relies upon the engagement levels of three root relationships:

  1. The competency of instructors and leadership to envision and empower proficiency;

  2. The alignment of parents to the principles of achievement; and

  3. The support of a community that understands the significance of arts achievement in the lives of its children.

YACM’s legacy is wrapped in the history of these relationships.

As the Artistic Director, much of my work and attention is on the future of YACM, Its sustainability, organizational competency, and impact in our community as a result of “potential achieving” students.

I am excited to enter our 10th season with a team of directors, administrators and instructors that are passionate, devoted and skilled. YACM’s relationships are paved. Its legacy is rich and its future is strong.

We would like to hear from you! Please take the time to record your testimonial as either a YACM student or parent. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Record your testimonial

YACM will be sending surveys to record both your experiences and suggestions. As a community-funded non-profit, you are our legacy. There is no future for potential achieving musical arts without you.

Wanda Cook

Artistic Director

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