Teacher of the Month: Julie Weinacht

Julie Weinacht joined YACM as a piano instructor in August of 2014. She currently has 15 piano students.
Ms. Weinacht strongly believes that everyone should be given an opportunity to experience music with a teacher in an environment that inspires him or her to be more than they thought they could be.
Ms. Weinacht emphasizes scales and warm ups, including proper fingering, hand position, the importance of music technicality and understanding the form.
“I like for my students to always be playing scales and exercises, even if they already know all the scales (there are a million different ways to make scales interesting and ‘new’ again!),” Ms. Weinachet said. “I challenge my students by giving them pieces outside of their comfort zone, and pushing them to make strides."
Her musical ambitions were shaped and inspired by friends and community members who taught her the value and importance of music, including the special meaning it can have in one’s life.
Ms. Weinacht has taken 14 years of piano lessons. She took two semesters of jazz improvisation study at Solano Community College where she played vibraphone.
She has been a percussionist for the Auburn Symphony since 2009.
Today, her students drive Ms. Weinacht's musical inspiration.
“They inspire me to be the best musician I can be; I enjoy being able to pass down my knowledge and words of wisdom, ”she said. “I think many of my students take comfort in having a teacher who is still a student, herself, just like them.”
Her teaching goals are to educate as many young minds as she can on the importance of music and all the benefits that come along with being involved.
“There is so much more to being a musician than simply playing a song on an instrument,” she explained. “Music teaches discipline, control, patience, work ethic, time management, and, above all, music teaches us to believe in ourselves and push our minds to the limits and beyond what we think is possible.”
She named hard work, listening/taking instruction, and discipline as her top three values.
"The five greatest qualities a person can possess are the ability to learn with enthusiasm, self-discipline, maintaining an optimistic outlook," she said. "You can always give your best effort, and spread encouragement. Happiness and positivity are highly contagious.”
Ms. Weinacht is grateful for growing up in a community where individual strength was encouraged. She was taught strength in friendship, strength within self, and strength in exploring past fears.
Her family, neighbors, and friends always pushed her to do her best. She was taught to never give up, to always follow through, be true to her word, and to see things through to the end.
“That kind of encouragement and support is what makes me who I am today,” JMs. Weinacht. “I hope that I can pass along some of those qualities to others.”