SYT – Listening to our Community Building the Youth Theatre you Want!

The YACM Community develops the habits and discipline of excellence in children through the performing arts. As part of a music conservatory, Solano Youth Theatre specializes in the study, training, and cultivation of the art of musical theater.
With the successful close of SYT's Peter Pan, we are seeking input from YACM Community about future productions.
Producing musical theater is a complex and expensive process. Certain constraints inform production decisions.
1. Musicals require a non-refundable purchase of a license and a payment of the performance royalties before rehearsals begin. Junior Musicals are typically $25,000.00-$35,000.00. Full-length Musicals are $50,000.00 to $70,000.00
2. Our production requires professional designers, venues, crew, conductors, and directors.
3. Full length musicals require additional music / score rental costs plus the cost of the conductor and music rehearsal time.
4. Not all musicals are available. For example, there is no license available for “Wicked” or “Once”. Also, full length musicals are regionally restricted. If another theatre has a license to perform one within a season, we cannot acquire a license.
5. Though not regionally restricted, Junior Musical script options are limited. We also try not to produce the same show as another theater in our region.
6. Volunteer and community support must be robust. For every dollar in tuition we receive we need $3.00 in financial donations and ticket sale revenue. support.
We will support the decisions our community empowers us to accomplish. Here is how you can communicate and build the theatre you want.
1. Tell us the shows you want to see produced. We will do the research to see if they are available.
2. Invite friends to join SYT. The larger our troupe, the stronger our foundation. SYT casts need no less than 40 tuition paying student actors.
3. Help raise $20,000.00 in contributed non-tuition related funds per show.
Share your SYT experience with people (and businesses) who have the means to provide financial support. Introduce us so we can extend an invitation for them to become a valued member of the YACM Community through their financial contibution.
We are looking forward to next season and many more seasons to come!