Parents Make Holiday Harmonies Success
Congratulations SMC Students and Families!

Holiday Harmonies is a music performance designed to provide meaningful educational importance as well as promote the value of excellence in the musical arts as a fundamental condition of strong and healthy community.
We hope to make each performance a significant experience for each child and his / her family and friends. We hope to inspire a path of progress by presenting students at earlier levels and those who have achieved proficiency.
As musicians and performing artists, YACM leadership provides students with the surpassing joy we have experienced by producting music together.
We believe the production values of each performance should match the quality of preparation that goes into creating a musical artist.
As Artistic Director, I am so very proud of our students and proud to be associated with the YACM team of great faculty and staff.
The complexities of creating a performance for 100 music students of various ages, and skill level, presents challenges both artistically and logistically. Due to the complexities of organizing so many people for a one-night concert event, there are always areas of improvement for us.
Our staff and growing volunteer community are always working toward making each event better and better.
I wish to celebrate and thank our parents for the overall success of the show. Thank you for the way you support your children, It is transformative in their lives.
I recently watched an interview with Olympic record swimmer, Michael Phelps. His life has presented personal challenges for him to overcome, but he said,
“My motto was when I was young and is today to dream, plan, reach. I didn’t want to be the next Michael Spitz (7 gold medal award winner in swimming), I wanted to be the first Michael Phelps. If you want to be the best, you have to be willing to do what others aren’t willing to do. You also need a mother who will hold you accountable to be the best you can possibly be.”
The glow on the faces of the children expressed their skills, and their feeling of growing success. Help a child experience success and transform his life. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season!
Wanda L. Cook
Artistic Director