YACM Announces 2016 Standard of Excellence Award Recipients

Young Artists Conservatory of Music will present the following recipients in recognition of their support of the YACM standard of excellence in music education and the performing arts. The presentation of awards will take place during our upcoming Black Tie Gala on Sunday June 5th 2016 at the Vacaville Performing Arts Theatre.
Award recipients are listed in 3 categories.
The Promise of Excellence award is given to those who have supported the potential of our community to flourish in the arts.
The Recognition of Excellence Award is given to those who have acknowledged the excellence of YACM students or teachers through the support of their achievements and contribution.
The Capacity of Excellence Award is given to acknowledge those who have invested in the capacity of YACM to pursue excellence through programs and administration.
The Gala immediately precedes the Black Tie Concert featuring the top student artists of Solano Music Conservatory, a division of YACM. The concert is supported by Steinway and Sons and in partnership with the newly formed SONUS Symphony. Concert Tickets $15/ $25 at 707-469-4013
Entrance to the Gala is free of charge, with a suggested donation of any amount. In addition to the presentation of awards, attendees will meet the student musicians, enjoy an elegant wine and hordeurve service, and live music by the SMC Jazz Combo.
The Promise of Excellence
Fr. Mack Olson, Epiphany Episcopal Church
Josephine Mislang, St. Joseph Catholic Church
Fr. Resti Galang, St. Joseph Catholic Church
Marissa Carbonell, Federal Terrace Elementary School
Jade Brandon, Federal Terrance Elementary School
Lisa Perchaz, G-Spectrum
Cyndi Chancellor, Rolling Hills Elementary
Danny Gentry, Rolling Hills Elementary
Linda Samera, Rolling Hills Elementary
Beverly Brun, Soroptimists of Central Solano County
Becky Craig, Chamber of Commerce Vacaville
Len Augustine, Mayor of Vacaville
Karen James, Vallejo City School District
Michelle and Dan Stark
Recognition of Excellence
Monica Espinoza, Saturday Club Vacaville
Bobbi Lu Bennett, Solano Community Symphony
Mary Anne Jordan, Solano Community Symphony
Ron Thorpe, Solano Community Symphony
Emma Green, Vaca Arts Council
Judi Booe, Vaca Arts Council
Capacity for Excellence
Sherry Cordonnier, of Travis Credit Union
Jason Marcus, Board Officer
Ivan Jones, Board Officer, Travis Credit Union
Joel Fine, Board Member
Charmaine Gandy, Kaiser Permanente
Cynthia Varrette, Kaiser Permanente
Carolyn Stark, Alumnus Featured Pianist
Seromi Park, Steinway and Sons
William Brummon, The Beelard Foundation