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Developing Potential - Melody Makers Spring Recital Series

Young Artists Conservatory of Music

June 19 - 22 @ 6:30 p.m.

Downtown Theatre Fairfield

Admission: $5 Donation Requested at the Door

The Young Artists Conservatory of Music (YACM) is pleased to announce our 12th Annual Melody Makers Spring Recital Series. Over 140 music students ages 5 to 18 will perform over 4 days at the Downtown Theatre in Fairfield. Each of the young performers study music associated with YACM’s Core Arts program which includes private instruction, weekly theory and musicianship classes, ensemble training, and performances strategically developed to empower personal confidence.

Students are trained in the classical tradition rooted in the YACM non-profit mission to continually develop their potential by empowering confident musicianship and the ability to share their music with grace and poise. YACM students will sing and play piano, violin, viola, cello, guitar, bass, saxophone, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, and drums. “Each young music student dreams of playing and singing with the confidence of the older musicians. Melody Makers Spring Recitals carry an important role in developing our students to achieve their dream”, says Artistic Director Wanda Cook.

As a music education charitable non-profit YACM sets itself apart by 1) bringing together a membership community to invest in the potential of young people, 2) bringing to Solano significantly experienced teaching artists and performers who mentor and inspire each child, 3) a commitment to developing the most impactful music education programs to help young people recognize and pursue their potential.

The performance celebrates the hard work and diligence of children and youth by creating an elegant and enjoyable performance experience in which they can be proud. Each night is a different experience with 35 different young people performing. A short Awards Ceremony immediately following the performances and followed by a simple lobby reception recognizes the achievements of the individual students. The aim is to inspire students to work hard to achieve specific goals that over time lead to meaningful outcomes in performance and artistic expression. Artistic Director, and Director of Piano, Wanda Cook, “This is a good opportunity for families who are thinking of music lessons to come and see how YACM develops potential in young people.”

Melody Makers is in contrast to YACM’s Black-Tie Gala and Concert event that was held on June 4th at the Vacaville Performing Arts Theatre. The Black Tie event features YACM’s most accomplished performing artists to inspire in Solano a commitment to support the advantages of excellence in the performing arts. At Melody Makers the audience gives its attention to YACM’s younger students who someday may grow up to perform as a Featured Soloist at The Black-Tie Gala Concert.

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