Building A Sound Future in Vallejo

Dear Vallejo Community,
Please join us, Young Artists Conservatory of Music and Solano Arts and Community Development Association in support of music programs in Vallejo schools. We are currently in the 2nd year of a Phase II development program. Currently we have 4 instructors deployed to 7 schools serving 1800 children all undergoing music / chorus classes. We are funded with a partnership between VCUSD, Solano Arts and Community Development Association and Kaiser Permanente. With these funds we are providing 1 hour per week for each class (each student).
Our plan is to begin a Phase III expansion program in 1 or 2 pilot schools next year (2018-2019). Although our Phase I and II outcomes have exceeded expectations (higher attendance, decreased negative behavior, and enriched community engagement, one hour per week is not enough time to attain the phenomenal advantages arts education provides. Research has proven that meaningful engagement in arts education provides skills CRITICAL to successful development in young people. The professional artists and educators at YACM know that with increased funding we can SAVE YOUNG LIVES in Vallejo.
We are looking for donors and philanthropists who want to join our current partners and grantors to develop significant human potential in Vallejo’s most at risk young people.
Well-funded Phase III Music Matters Vallejo provides
More in school class time (2 hours a week)
Adds after-school classes / activities / club (+2 hours week)
Purchases General Music Instruments
Purchases Concert Band and / or String Instruments
Funds School Performances
While we teach children to sing and play instruments, and providing them with an opportunity to discover their interest and aptitude in music, we are also strategically teaching what we call THE 5 KEY AREAS of Human Development. When a child advances musically, a child learns to:
Pay Attention and Focus
Listen with Intention and Communicate with Grace
Emotional Resiliency
Empathy and Respect of Others
Healthy Self-Confidence
YACM has 13 years of experience teaching thousands of young people to love music, love others, and BELIEVE in their future.
Please help us fund Music Matters -Vallejo
See you at the Ball!
Wanda Cook, Managing Artistic Director