Letter from the Artistic Director: Spring Membership Drive

Spring Membership Drive – Building a Sound Future
In our first year of implementing a new member-based sustainability model, Young Artists Conservatory of Music has advanced our vision to create a setting for the significant development of young people through partnerships and a standard of excellence in the arts.
We have listened to our 157 members who encouraged high standards, more student accountability, higher instructor retention, greater organizational transparency, and more early level student recognition. Our administration is dedicated to the vision of building a significant and strong community of students, parents, and partners who enjoy identifying themselves with belonging to YACM because YACM enriches their lives.
If you are an SMC Family Member, we are in the process of renewing your educational membership or upcoming membership commitment with YACM for the 2018-2019 Season. I value your family’s presence in our organization because you are one of many families who place great value on the benefits the arts bring to you, your child(ren) and our community. Your contribution, tuition, participation, and presence makes our organization an important part of the health and well-being of Solano County.
Single Student: $600 | Double Student: $725 | Triple+ Student: $850
I invite our community to become a Member At-Large or Consider Charter Membership for a Contribution of $1500.00 or more. Your contribution supports music and theatre programs throughout Solano County that develop creativity, self-confidence, and resiliency, in more than 2000 young people a year. Your contribution supports over 80 individual musical arts performances involving over 8000 residents who make our our audiences each season. Your contribution associates you with other leaders who are missionally aligned in supporting the youth and future of Solano County.
Friends and Neighbors: $25/mo.; $300 annual | Community: $40/mo.; $480 annual
SA-CDA Charter: $1500 Bronze | $2500 Silver | $5000 Gold | $10000 Platinum
We at Young Artists Conservatory of Music are proud to list these 2017-2018 accomplishments.
YACM Organizational Highpoints of Interest
Increased revenue net margins reported on 2017 990’s over 2016
Increased or adjusted instructor pay to reflect current pay levels for regional music instructors
All but one SMC instructor (and he is very sad to be moving away from YACM) plans to return to teach in August.
Retained all administrative staff
Implemented student recognition activities: newsletter, bulletin boards, awards, Student of the Month
Planning the return of Holiday Harmonies - All SMC Concert Event for Dec. 2018 at the request of members
36% Increase in social media engagement
Publish an Arts article for the Vacaville Magazine bi-monthly
Added one Board Member
Met or exceeded Student Membership Goals for Enrollment
Created an Advisory Council to the Board of Directors
Created a Finance Committee
Created a Programming Advisory Committee
Expanded contacts and relationships in Vallejo to develop future funding of programs for the underserved
Newly awarded $10,000 Syar Industries Grant
Applied for 2 Grants from California Arts Council
Formed community and business connections through Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, Soroptimist, Rancho Flaubert, Downtown Business Development, Visit Vacaville, On Stage Vacaville, and Ticket Voucher Program
YACM 2017-18 New Milestones
Progression in SMC Education Standards / Awards
More student assessments and more level advancements
Higher enrollment and more advancements in theory education
More participants nominated and selected for Black Tie Gala Concert, including a Up-and-Comer presentation
Two SMC student winners of the Solano Symphony Young Artists Competition
New awards criteria
New SMC AWARDs Dinner
SMC Workshops / Master Classes / Studio Recitals / Outings / Events
Teachers and Administrators offered multiple enrichment opportunities.
Guest Artists and Educators for School of Strings
Guest Artists / Clinic for Percussion
Vocal Master Classes
Studio Recitals in Voice, Piano, Guitar, Strings
Honor Quartet Competition - Berkeley
Parent education seminars on piano pedagogy, purchasing a piano, and how to help your child practice
Group outing to San Francisco Ballet’s Nutcracker
Reduced ticket prices for members
Steinway and Son’s Showroom Recital
Installation of a SA-CDA Parent Forum
Planning of Melody Maker Recitals in upgraded recital hall for all SMC Students
Planning of the Black Tie Gala Concert with 50 piece professional symphony to accompany SMC Featured Soloists
Installation of Members BBQ and concert
SMC New Programing
Creation of a Programs Advisory Committee
Introduction to Music Courses for 5-6 year olds
Solano Junior Strings (orchestra) started for intermediate string players
Group children’s chorus classes
Affordable 6-week private trial lesson program
A Cappella Chorus group (2018-2019 Season)
Intro to piano group courses for children
Piano for Vocalists class (2018-2019 Season)
Summer Music Camps for Upcoming Fall Season Performance Repertoire
Solano Youth Theatre (SYT)
Rehearsals and production of MULAN the Musical with increased ticket sales supporting SYT; increased ticket sales again with MARY POPPINS
Rehearsals and production of MARY POPPINS the Musical with donations provided for stage flight and our largest Spring Season audience with ticket sales supporting SYT
Acquisition of 2000 square feet of warehouse space for design and storage at $1.73 per square foot
Planned live orchestra to accompany Little Women Fall Production
Sufficient enrollment to sustain a split cast for Fall Production
Networked through ticket vouchers to increase community business involvement
Music Matters in Vallejo (MMV)
Increase funding of programs for 1800 underserved children with Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Fund, and Syar Foundation.
YACM Organizational Losses or On-going Challenges
Loss of $20,000 grant from the Beelard Foundation after 3 years of support due to limits in Foundation funds. Need to replace these funds.
Need to increase revenue (program net for overhead and development + general giving) $70,000 annually.
Board Development – Need 2 additional involved Board Members
Need a significant increase in volunteer help and labor: grounds and landscaping, repairs / maintenance, facility upgrades.
Need a volunteer fundraising committee to execute strategically planned events.
Need a community development committee to execute membership activities and develop community awareness.
2018-2019 Membership Events
In-progress ideas and events for the new term
Membership BBQ and Concert August 26, 2018
Reduced prices for YACM events
Intern Time
Practice Rooms
Reduced group prices for SF event; Phantom of the Opera
Parent(Family Member)/Child Talent Show
Reduced group prices for Mondavi event
Young Artists Competition
Lending Library; Instructional Books, DVDs, CDs, Books
Our vision for the impact of YACM is ultimately to empower every young person by cultivating their imagination, creativity, and self-assurance through excellence and strong community involvement in the arts. I am committed to the ongoing development of YACM through creating a fun, supportive, and meaningful experience for all our members and students.
Your investment and participation make the change we hope for in our communities and in the lives of our children.
Wanda L. Cook
Founder, Managing Artistic Director
A note from the Admissions Department:
If you have not already done so, please contact the me at sbarnett@youngartistsconservatory.org regarding your student's Fall Placement before June 1. Thank you!